Illinois Junior Academy of Science Fair
The Illinois Junior Academy of Science State Exposition is the largest high school and middle school research competition in Illinois. More than 1,200 students from schools across Illinois will exhibit research and design investigations. They will compete for best in category awards and other special awards.
Students begin their research and design projects supported locally by their schools, teachers and parents. Students advance to their regional expositions, which select the top students to advance to the state exposition. Student presentations will include the following topics:
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Consumer and Behavioral Science
In addition, the IJAS State Exposition will feature an essay and artistic design competition.
What is IJAS? The Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) is a nonprofit organization that exists solely for the students. The IJAS and the state exposition are completely staffed by volunteers.
How does a student get to the IJAS state exposition? An individual school sends their students to their region’s exposition. Students with the highest scores qualify for the state exposition. Due to the amount of space provided by the hosting institution, each region can send a limited number of projects to the state exposition.